
The menu links are populated by the links config. links is an array of objects containing url, or the url of the page and text, or the text to display. By default, the link url is prepended with the site url. To provide a direct link url, set direct to true in the link object.

# Page links
  - url: '/showcase'
    text: Showcase
  - url: '/usage'
    text: Usage
  - url: '/bogus'
    text: Bogus
    # Example of direct link
  - url: 'http://andydevs.github.io'
    text: External
    direct: true


Social media links in the footer can be configured using the social object. The following social options are provided:

The footer contains the site description (set at description) as well as the copyright notice. The copyright year is set by copyright, and the author is pulled from author.


Layouts include ‘page’, ‘post’, ‘centered’, and ‘post-index’.

‘page’ and ‘post’ are mostly the same, except ‘post’ wraps content in an article tag and is used for main post.

Simple Design provides the ‘post-index’ layout to display an index of posts layed out. This is used in the index page of this site.

‘centered’ is for content that is positioned in the center of the screen. This is used by the 404 Page


Create an ‘assets/css/main.scss’ file, and import the style library. Variables are set before the import


// Declare variables here

// Import file
@import "jekyll-theme-primer"
Category Variables
Font $font-family
Spacing $spacing-unit
Font Size $mega-font-size
Colors $white-color

Note: Primary color is meant to be darker and secondary color brighter

Dynamic Tables

Dynamic Tables maintain equal width cells on small displays and allow horizontal scrolling through the table. To make a table dynamic in Markdown, wrap the table in a horizontal-scroll div as follows:

Note: make sure there are empty lines between the html tags and the markdown table.

<div class='horizontal-scroll' markdown='block'>

| Category | Variables |
| Font | `$font-family` <br> `$code-font-family` |
| Spacing | `$spacing-unit` |
| Font Size | `$mega-font-size` <br> `$large-font-size` <br> `$medium-font-size` <br> `$normal-font-size` <br> `$small-font-size` |
| Colors | `$white-color` <br> `$black-color` <br> `$primary-color` <br> `$secondary-color` <br> `$light-gray-color` <br> `$light-primary-color` <br> `$dark-gray-color` <br> `$dark-secondary-color` |

Category Variables
Font $font-family
Spacing $spacing-unit
Font Size $mega-font-size
Colors $white-color