But What Are Descriptors?

Feb 3rd, 2019

Let’s say I have a Person class that contains the name, email, and birthday of a person. I want my Person class to do the following:

  • Provide the name of the person, but not allow it to be changed
  • Provide the email of the person and allow it to be changed
  • Provide the age of the person, which is calculated in years from their birthday and today’s date.

These business rules all have to deal with properties. Objects often have “properties” which are calculated from internal data. In fact, you often just want properties which allow access to other private member variables, enforcing how you access or manipulate objects and their data.

Splitting Up the Good Library (Monolithic Troubles)

Jun 26th, 2018

Everyone hates software. It’s messy and it get’s everywhere. - Sam Gallagher 2017

My friend just said it as I was showing this to him and I decided to quote it in the README as a joke, but it’s quickly become a recurring theme for my overall experience developing the Good Library.

The Good Library was meant to be a utility library for writing more expressive code, eliminating redundancy, and solidifying some common python practices in code (like Duck-Typing through the use of Interfaces). For me, it’s been an exercise in seeing what I could create using the many meta-programming features and quirks of python (which I will definitely write more about).

However, I’ve written the library to large enough at this point to make me realize that I ran into a bit of a problem.

The Single Most Beautiful Piece of Syntax Ever Invented

Nov 7th, 2017

Let’s say you’re writing some nice functions in python:

General 2.0 Is Out!

Feb 6th, 2017

UPDATE 9/16/2017: General is gonna go on the backburner for now. I’ll still keep it up, since I know people are using it, but don’t expect updates.

Fractal Generator Now Has XML Processing

Oct 31st, 2016

You can now run the fractal generator with an xml file containing all of the information of the fractals being generated to the program, rather than put the info in manually! Just type fractal -xml [your xml file] in the command line!

The Blog is Up!

Jun 14th, 2016

So yeah, this post is going to be short. But the website is up. So now you can follow this website for updates on my projects.